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Alex A.

CHIMES Project - AUTUMN News

Welcome! You are in the right place - CHIMES underwent a makeover.

You missed us and we've missed you too! 😍

Now that we've changed our look, we will be in touch more and will keep you updated on the CHIMES Project activities.

Feel free to surf on the fresh pages of our website - and that's not all! In the backstage, a huge lot of things are happening, and we are preparing some nice stuff that you don't want to miss!

The webpage underwent a makeover and now you can discover more on the CHIMES Project.

We won't say more about this update but ensure to subscribe to our Newsletter so that you will be posted with all the cool stuff that we are doing in CHIMES.

During the Summer...

We've held some festivals and other amazing activities through workshops. If you're curious, we collated a few sneak peaks in the galleries below:

AE2O (Portugal): Mascar(Arte) Community Festival

CESIE (Italy): Illustration workshop

Illustration workshop: the experience of the first creative workshop

A group of young girls and boys from different cultural backgrounds had the opportunity to meet in an informal space in Palermo and rely on the expert guidance of a talented illustrator to give voice to their creativity.

During the sessions, the creativity of illustration offered the perfect context in which to socialize and exhibit the thousand faces of one’s self, which is the fruit of a special combination of past experiences, present sensations and future expectations. The participants in the first creative workshop of CHIMES project, after the experience of isolation due to the Covid pandemic, have therefore embarked on a path towards the rediscovery of socialization through the creation of artistic products handmade through the use of recyclable materials.

In each session, art has been not only the final goal but also a means to narrate oneself, a useful tool by which it is possible to tell all those aspects of self that you want to share, without often knowing how to do it.

Gentis (Spain): Festival Summer Teatrik-Cirk

On 15 June 2022, the Cirk Teatrik Creative Festival was held in the city of Amposta (Spain), following 7 previous preparatory sessions. 15 disadvantaged young people from the Gentis Adult Training Centre participated in this event. By using arts and creativity we aimed to improve key skills needed to enhance access to the labour marked (e.g. problem solving, cultural awareness, negotiation, active listening etc.) Youngsters delivered circus type performances such as presentations, songs, acrosport, joggling to other peers and members of the community.

Phoenix Social Enterprise (UK):

What's next?

We are now organizing the LTTA (Learning Teaching Training Activities) which will be held in Porto/Matosinhos of Portugal, hosted by AE2O during 7-11 November 2022.

STAY TUNED! Make sure to subscribe to our Newsletter and follow us on Social Media so that you won't miss any news from us.


The CHIMES Project Team

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