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  • Alex A.

Season's Greetings and Project Updates

After months of creative workshops on different types of arts, from illustration, to dancing, and even drama, the CHIMES Project has reached to the point in which the results and the growth path of the youth involved were celebrated through a marking event: the LTTA - an international training experience which took place in the beautiful city of Porto, Portugal.

During this special period of the year, our thoughts at CHIMES turn gratefully to all of you: we wish you peace, joy, comfort and prosperity.

The LTTA - Learning Teaching Training Activities - was a splendid 4 days event, hosted by AE2O, from 7th to 11th of November 2022.

24 participants closed the circle of CHIMES in this final chapter of the Project, evolving in 3 different workshops which were developed by our talented trainers.

Both the participants and the trainers worked hard in 3 days of intensive training on:

#1 - Body Percussions

#2 - Musical Form

#3 - Visual Arts

At last, our outstanding evolution:

We hope that you enjoyed our LTTA performance. Once again, a BIG Thank You to our beautiful participants for their active involvement and our trainers for their patience and perseverance - you all did an amazing job!

What's next?

December is the month of the local exhibitions for the CHIMES Project, so don't miss out: these local events will allow the young participants to develop greater ownership of their creative paths and will give them the opportunity to show their skills again and tell their stories of success, which we will unwrap in a future newsletter!

2022 comes to an end...

Lots of hard work, creative thinking, time spent on developing activities and so on!

We, the Partners of the CHIMES Project, appreciate working with you, so we want to take this moment to thank you for everything and hope that the coming year will bring you happiness and success.

Winston Churchill once brilliantly said:

Christmas is a season not only of rejoicing but of reflection.

Wishing you Merry Holidays and a great New Year!

See you soon :)

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